A network of mentors and friendsI have been fortunate and honored to learn from very inspiring teachers and mentors:Science:Dr. Margaret Mangion, Director of the Edward de Bono Institut of Creativity and Innovation, Malta and Supervisor of my Master’s ThesisDr. Maik Hosang, Student advisor for the Culture and Management bachelor program at Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz and Supervisor of my Bachlor’s ThesisProf. Dr. Jörg Mehlhorn and the other members of the German Society of CreativitySocial Researcher Franziska Stölzel, UNU-FLORESUniversity Breda, Imagenieering DepartmentTransformation:CEO Sven Mimus and the Team of Entwicklungsgesellschaft Niederschlesische Oberlausitz mbHCEO Heiko Jahn and the Team of Wirtschaftsregion LausitzTeam of the Network Young LusatiaCreative Industries:Timo Schutza and the Team of Soziocultural center TELUXGraphic Desinger und Design Researcher Jasmin RiebelKarina Happel FotographyWeb Designer Sebastian Künzel, Ad Agency 15GradCopywriter Kayleigh CassarFounder and Marketingexpert Shari Fischer, Die HofpostMovement Therapy Facilitator Sarah Mestmacher, Dear MovementFounder Cynthia Noack, Reves Smoothie CafèCoaching:Coach Lisa Kießling, Animal A.C.T.Collegue und Coach Karl Hosang, Creativitycoach TrainingCoach Barbara Wunderbaldiger, PsyformanceCoach Tanja Neumann, TANERO Coaching